Santa Ana School Police Officers' Association

The Santa Ana School Police Officers' Association (SASPOA) is committed in supporting our members and the community we service. The purpose of our association is to build strong community partnerships with internal and external stakeholders, which will allow our district community access to resources, programs, and special events.

a group of children standing in front of a police car
a couple of people standing next to a police car

In Our Community

24-hour service to over 49,000 students and approximately 4,600 staff members

Each year we strive to donate not only monetarily, but our time and volunteer hours throughout the community to benefit numerous charities, groups and national organizations. Please feel free to join our mission by volunteering or make a donation to our association so we can continue our community outreach.

Join Santa Ana School POA in our various causes and subscribe to our newsletter for all the latest updates and be a part of our community.

Business Supporters

Help A Hero9-99 Foundation

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